Timing Belt Replacement

Timing belt service is very critial on engines these days. Most engines are known as whats called "interference", meaning when the engine looses "timing" mechanical damage can occur. Below is a timing belt that is over due, notice the cracks on the surface of the belt. Belts are made of many different components but the main component is nylon and rubber. These components age over time, if the car has very low or very high miles these belts still need to be changed periodically. Every car manufacture has a specific time or mileage, every time a belt is replaced that interval starts over.
If a timing belt breaks the damage can be sever. Not only do you have to have the timing belt replaced, which should have been done regardless, but now you have to deal with the consequences. The second photo down are some bent valves of a car that has an "interference engine".
Timing Belt or Chain Replacement

We stand behind all our work here at Tony & Brothers by providing a full 12,000 mile or one-year warranty coverage for all repair & service related work. We also accept all major insurance providers and third-party extended warranties. If you would like to make sure your third-party or manufacturer's warranty applies to your specific repair or service need, please contact us and we'll be happy to answer or verify any coverage questions you may have.